Please contact the
ACHIEVE Upward Bound Program Office at (713) 482-1840.
What is Upward Bound?
Upward Bound is a college preparatory program for students in grades 9-12. The program consists of a school year college preparatory and a summer academic enrichment component. Students must meet federal income guidelines for low-income families and/or be first-generation college-bound students.
TRIO Upward Bound Program Staff​
Dr. Lawrence Williams, Ed.D.
Executive Director, TRIO Upward Bound
Tamesha M. Earvin
Program Advisor, TRIO Upward Bound
Academic, college, and career advising
Academic tutoring/interventions
College campus tours
Assistance with the college admission process
TSI, PSAT, and SAT test preparation and assistance
Academic support resources
Educational and cultural enrichment activities
FAFSA and scholarships application assistance
Financial literacy
Community service learning projects
Career exploration

How to apply?
To apply, students need to complete and submit the following forms:
Students receive tutoring or homework help. The core curriculum subject areas for tutorial sessions are: English/literature, mathematics, science, foreign language, and college preparatory courses. Personal, career and academic advising is also provided. Additional academic instruction and workshops are held on Saturdays. Participating in Saturday sessions builds scholastic confidence and provides students with a holistic perspective of life.
Each summer, students who have good standing with program expectations will attend a five-week commuter phase at a participating college/university. While attending, participants will gain a head start on the core curriculum areas for the coming academic school year. The second phase is a week-long college experience at participating colleges/universities in/throughout the region. Participants will attend workshops on campus and have access to all educational and recreational facilities along with cultural experiences. Daily workshops and seminars are conducted by certified instructors.
After students graduate from high school and enter college, the Upward Bound Program will continue to make contact with students for five (5) years. If the student has dropped out and desires to go back, Upward Bound will assist them through community resources for college reentry. All Upward Bound students will be recommended to the federal program, (SSS) Student Support Services to assist in navigating college life, course advising, career internships, and options after graduation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to participate in Upward Boun Programs?
The Upward Bound Programs serve students at our target high schools who come from low-income families AND/OR from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree (first generation). The goal of the Upward Bound Programs is to increase the rate at which these students complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education.
What does it cost to participate in Upward Bound Programs?
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education for a period of five years. There is no cost to students or their families to participate. In fact, students who actively participate are eligible for a stipend during both the academic and summer components. Also, there is NO financial cost to the target schools that partners with an Upward Bound Program.
What services do Upward Bound Programs provide?
Personal academic counseling
Tutorial services for STAAR exams & secondary education courses
Information on postsecondary education
Exposure to college campuses
Information on student financial assistance for postsecondary education
Financial literacy training
Assistance in completing college admissions and financial aid applications
Assistance in preparing for college entrance exams
Workshops for the families of participants
Summer enrichment programming, focusing on math, laboratory science, composition, literature, and foreign language.
Field experiences/cultural trips
How are Upward Bound Programs structured?